Erfahrungsberichte Europa Schottland

Pony Trekking in Glasgow

07/2016 Erasmus Auslandspraktikum in Großbritannien

Hello to all,

My name is Nina and I´m 21 years old. I´m in Glasgow for an internship in July. In Germany I´m doing an apprenticeship as a software developer.

My passion is the equestrian sport. I love horses since I´m a little girl and ride horses for over 15 years. I´m in possession of a DOSB Trainer B license for equestrian sport. DOSB means German Olympic Sports Confederation. I´ve done the DOSB Trainer C license with 19 years and the DOSB Trainer B license with 20 years. I´m very ambitious and that licenses are only examples for some of my done exams in the equestrian sport.

By reason of that passion, I can´t be here in Glasgow without horses and riding. I´ve found some Pony Trekking at Loch Lomond. Suzanne, the owner, is a very friendly and lovely person. I´ve written her a mail that I´m interested in some trekking. Some hours later we made an appointment for Wednesday, 14 July 2016 at 5 PM. Her dad picked me up at Balloch train station and driven me to the stable. We were there after 5 minutes.

Suzanne gave me some contract that I should fill up and sign. There was e.g. one paragraph, that riding is a risk and I could fallen down. After that, she gave me some helmet and rain jacket.

The name of horse is Petra. We went to the arena, which I had to show Suzanne, that I can stop the horse or turn to another side. That are some basics for me but not for some beginner. I can understand her, that she wants to see that from everyone because telling is one thing, but shown the other.

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Suzanne has taken her horse out of the stable and then we started. At the beginning the weather was not so good and some raindrops falling down but some minutes later the rain was away and the sun came out. The first meters were tarmac road and not so nice to ride because the road war really uneven. When we first stopped, she told me something about the ship which is places in Loch Lomond. You can have coffee or tea at the ship but it didn´t moved for years. We continued and she brought me to some magic place.

It looks a little bit like a jungle and it´s going up and down on small path. It was so beautiful and the sun is shining through the trees into the jungle. It was so awesome! After that were a little part of tarmac road before we arrived the next beautiful place. Suzanne told me that we could met wanderer or bicycle driver. But we were lucky and met no one else.

In fact of that, the place was awesome. Only the two horses, Suzanne and me. We´ve stopped some times and let the view and nature sink in. 25 Minutes later arrived we at a place with view over Loch Lomond and the Highlands. We stopped and enjoyed the amazing view for some minutes. Suzanne explained me a lot. She told me name of mountains, flowers, animals and and and.

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We´re going on and it´s so nice that you ride where you want. In Germany you get in trouble if you leave the way and ride across the field. That´s not so much fun. The plants were so high and one time some bird has flown up. My horse, Petra, was very chilled and was only a little bit confused. The horse from Suzanne looked confused. It was such a great look at the facial expression of him.

At 6.20 PM the trekking was over and we were back at the stable and the dad from Suzanne brought me to the train station. Concluding I could say that it was awesome and the horses were so lovely. If you love horses, call Suzanne and go out for a trekking with her. It was great fun and the nature there is like in a storybook.

I´ve loved it!

See you Nina

>> Loch Lomond Pony Trekking

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